
I am a programmer, musician, artist, and writer. You can learn alot about me here on my home site or by clicking the social media links below!

youtube @teddblue twitter @teddblue420 reddit u/teddblue github teddblue gitlab teddblue replit @teddblue scratch teddblue

if you want to see more of my stuff, check out the links in the 'about' section


over a year old now, this website is dedicated to allowing people to access classic games that shaped the industry. It hosts sites that are no longer sold by the publisher and brings some joy to those with limited access to video games. It has become the basis for a new project that I'm working on.

check it out

Super Mario Pipe Land

A fangame that celebrates various games and characters from the SNES, GBA, and Sega Genesis. It was made in MIT's Scratch using assets from classic games. It features 16 levels, 7 characters, and 100 unique tiles and entities. you can play it below or click this link to view it on itch.io

Scratch Projects

I've made many projects on Scratch.mit.edu, over my 3 years using the site I've learned multiple strategies for solving problems, and have applied these strategies in other languages.

check out my projects here

Read the amazing stories of Super George!


(Chapter 1 is in progress, expect 1 page per week.) Super George is on a quest to rid the city of villians. Then SLAGG shows up! Will SG be able to defeat him?!!!!!1!!!!1!

I'm writing a book! you'll see chapters here soon!

Tebata: Forgotten Stones

Welcome to the world of Tebata! Makari is trying to discover the fate of those who were sacrificed during the reign of the Dakani. However, her mission gets much more complicated when she meets some new friends and foes. This is the first book in my worldbuilding project for the planet Tebata.

more coming soon? idk. i want to focus on what I'm currently writing. There will definately be tidbits and snippets now and then!

I really enjoy drawing, so I've included a collection here. My art is uploaded to google drive for speed and convenience.

I do a lot of world building, you can read some lore here